Bookish Throwback Thursday

Hey guys so I’m in a really good mood and just found out that throwback Thursday’s are a thing and I decided to try it out. This is my first Throwback Thursday so I apologize if it’s not quite what you’re expecting. Anyways on to the Throwback!

The Outsiders

No one ever said life was easy. But Ponyboy is pretty sure that he’s got things figured out. He knows that he can count on his brothers, Darry and Sodapop. And he knows that he can count on his friends—true friends who would do anything for him, like Johnny and Two-Bit. But not on much else besides trouble with the Socs, a vicious gang of rich kids whose idea of a good time is beating up on “greasers” like Ponyboy. At least he knows what to expect—until the night someone takes things too far.

The Outsiders is a dramatic and enduring work of fiction that laid the groundwork for the YA genre. S. E. Hinton’s classic story of a boy who finds himself on the outskirts of regular society remains as powerful today as it was the day it was first published.

So this is one of my favorite stand alone novels! I read it in middle school when we had reading groups and loved this book the minute I opened it. The characters are really dynamic and interesting and the plot never stops moving. If you havent read this book I would definitely suggest reading it.

Sunshine Blogger Award

Hey guys I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Step Into A Book World Thank you so much for the nomination you’re to kind. To anyone who hasn’t seen her blog I would definetly go check it out!

So here are the questions she asked me

What is your favorite book relationship?

Hmmm that’s a tough one because I’ve read so many book with great relationships. I’d have to say it’s a tie between Rhysand and Feyre from A Court of Thorns and Roses and Elias and Laia from An Ember in The Ashes.

Who is your favorite minor character in a book series?

My favorite minor characters in a book series would have to be the Suriel from A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Rares from Frost like Night.

Would you rather read only book series or a stand-alone?

I’d have to say I love reading books series because I get a longer time with the characters I’ve fallen in love with. I will read stand alone books of course but I always get a really bad book hangover after I’ve finished reading.

What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn’t quality writing?

Hmm this is a tough question I actually can’t say that this has ever happened to me. There have been books that I didn’t like reading, but it was because of the characters never because of the writing so I would actually have to say none.

What book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read but you probably won’t?

I keep saying I’m going to read The Daughter of Smoke and bone series but I never do. It looks interesting but when I first read it nothing really hooked my attention.

What is your favorite TV series?

Hmm I have alot of TV series I like but I’ll keep it to my top 3 which would be Arrow, cause I love comic books. Inuyasha because I love anime and the storyline is amazing, and my third show would have to be The Fosters. I love The Fosters because it gives you a realistic look into the foster care system.

What is a popular or beloved character that you do not like?

I have to say that I don’t like Stevie Rae from The House of Night Series. I originally liked her alot but as the books progressed I just became very irritated with her character.

What the name of a popular series that you have no interest in reading?

I’d have to the Divergent series. I always hear alot about it but I’ve read the summaries on the books and I just don’t care for them.

What movie adaptation did you like better than the book?

I personally always like a book series better because you get a better feel for the characters, but I’d have to say I like the movie version of IT better than the book.

If you could have any book(s) coming in 2018 right now, what would it be?

This is also a difficult question because there’s so many books that I want that are coming out but I’d have to say I want the last Throne of Glass book out right now and the last book to The Red Queen series.

What is a book(s) villain that you couldn’t help but love?

For me it was The Darkling in The Grisha trilogy by Leigh Bardugo. He was such a complex character that honestly got screwed and that’s why he is the way he is. Usually I hate the villain as alot of the time they aren’t very dynamic they’re just evil. This wasn’t the case with the Darkling because I agreed with some of his principles in the book.

Again thank you so much for the nomination! Here are some questions of my own I’d like to ask

1.) If you could visit any fictional world where would you visit?

2.) What’s your favorite fictional setting?

3.) If you could be any character for a day who would you be?

4.) What’s your favorite thing to do?

5.) If you could have any super power what would it be?

6.) What’s your favorite food?

7.) What are some of your most beloved cartoons? (can also be anime)

8.) If you were stranded on an island what would you have to have to keep yourself sane?

9.) If you could turn any book or graphic novel into a TV show which would you choose?

10.) What is your favorite thing to do?

So the rules of this is I nominate who I think is really creative, and has posted some really cool blogs that have been super positive and inspiring in the blogging community. You answer the questions that I ask then you make up some questions of your own and you nominate who you think should get The Sunshine Blogger Award!

I nominate

Eyes+ words



Addicted to Horror Movies

A Starfishers Blog


Kristen kraves Books

Anime Girls nyc

