Top Ten Tuesdays: Books I’m Thankful For

Hey guys it’s Tuesday so you know what that means! It’s Top 10 Tuesday originally started by The Broke and The Bookish today’s top 10 is going to be books that you’re thankful for to celebrate Thanksgiving so here’s my list in no particular order.

1.) Frost Like Night by Sara Raasch

I’m thankful for this book because it teaches and reminds me that even when I’m at my lowest and I don’t think I can hold it together to keep pushing through. It also reminds me on my bad days that I am worth it and should never be ashamed of who I am or the struggles I’ve had to face.

2.) Night by Elie Wiesel

I love this book and reading about this man’s struggle in the Nazi training camp in Auschwitz. It always makes me remember how lucky I am for my health and the love of my family. I also treasure this book because it’s a look into a time where discrimination was running rampet through Europe. I also value it because it teaches kids and people who read it that everyone is human and what happened back then was awful and to be more tolerant in their everyday life

3.) Speak by Laurie Nalse Anderson

I read this book when I was in middle school and it’s still one of my favorite books to this day. I am thankful for this book because you read about what happens to a young girl who was sexually assaulted and the things she has to deal with because of what happened to her. It shows that even though something like that happened to her she was strong enough to eventually face what happened to her and beat her attacker.

4.) To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This is an amazing book that has fictional aspects to it but the overall message is real. It’s about racism in the south and what a non racist white lawyer and his family go through trying to save an innocent man. It really shows you how terrible racism was back then and how to stop it if you see it today. It teaches you tolerance and respect to all human beings regardless of skin color and is still relevant to this day.

5.) A Court of Mist and Fire by Sarah J. Maas

Even though this book is completely fantasy it has alot of important parts in it as the heroine is stuck in an abusive relationship. It shows the depression and self loathing Feyre goes through as she continues to lose weight and not care about herself. It also shows that loving someone to much can be poison and how to pick yourself back up and feel like your worth something. Im thankful for this book because it helps people heal who have been in an abusive relationship.

6.) Getting Away With Murder the true story of the Emmet till case by Chris Crowe

This book makes me thankful for the generation I live in now where even though racism still exists it’s not nearly as bad as it was in 1955 Mississippi.

7.) Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

I’m thankful for this book because it shows how people grieve when they lose people they care about and how to live on. It shows that you never forget them and that going through so much loss leaves scars that might never heal but you know life continues to go on.

8.) I Am Malala by MaLaLa Yousafzai and Christina Lamb

I am thankful for this book as it gave me an insight into the Middle Eastern culture. It was interesting to read how different things were compared to the United States. It makes me thankful that I have so many opportunities as a young woman in America, and that I can do simple pleasures like singing and dancing.

9.) The Ghostly Register by Arthur Meyers

So I’m thankful for this book because it belonged to my aunt who passed away when I was only a year old at the time. Having this book and reading it makes me feel closer to her even though she passed away and I never had the pleasure of getting to know her.

10.) Renegade Red by Lauren Horowitz

So I’m thankful for this book because it teaches young girls the true power of inner strength. It also teaches the importance of family, loyalty, and healthy grieving vs. Unhealthy grieving.