Fairy Tail: News and More!

Hey everyone I hope everyone has had a great day, college planning has been crazy but I’m happy to announce I just got some awesome Fairy Tail news!

So kick back and enjoy the news I have for you, and as always if you want to check out the info for yourself just click the links below.

So according to an article from comic book


a long awaited reunion is brewing. And the reunion will be our favorite and prickly Celestial Spirit Aquarius, and our favorite Celestial wizard Lucy Heartfelia!

While we have been promised a reunion between Aquarius and Lucy it seems we will also be getting introduced to some new characters.

According to this article https://www.google.com/amp/comicbook.com/anime/amp/2018/08/05/fairy-tail-100-years-quest-sequel-water-dragon/

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest is only three chapters in, but the sequel has introduced a group which could become Natsu’s next big threat. After arriving at the first magical guild, the Dragon Slayer and his friends learn about the 100 Years Quest, and its main task is a big one.

Take out the evil God Dragons!

According to the guild leader Elefceria, his yet-completed quest requires its champion to seek out a series of powerful dragons.

“The 100 Year Quest asks to seal five dragons known as the Five God Dragons. You could say each one of them is equal to the power of Acnologia,” the older man explains before he is told of Natsu’s accomplishments. As the pink-haired mage is the one who beat Acnologia, he stands the best chance at completing the mission, and the team is sent off hastily to find the first God Dragon.

“I don’t know their exact locations, but I have a lead on one of them. The Water God Dragon, Merkphobia,” Elefceria tells the group.

I’m majorly happy that we have finally gotten a water Dragon!

And according to another article https://www.google.com/amp/comicbook.com/anime/amp/2018/08/09/fairy-tail-anime-manga-announcement-tease-hiro-mashima/

Also Hiro Mashima the creator of Fairy Tail has teased for us fans to keep our eyes peeled as he has a few goodies he can’t wait for us to see.
The artist teased followers about a new collection of “goodies” and his desire to tell everyone about them already.

“I oversaw the new Fairy Tail goodies, and I really want them! I hope to announce them soon,” Mashima wrote.

So far, there is no word on what these goodies could be, but fans have their hopes. On social media, fans left and right are pleading for the announcement to involve a console title. However, it seems far more likely the teaser is about actual anime merchandise. After all, the show is making an awaited comeback this fall, making it the perfect time to get new merchandise on the market. So, if you have been in the market for a Natsu Dragneel plush, you may want to hold off until Mashima goes live with this latest tease.

So that’s all the news I could find, I hope you all enjoyed the news! If you enjoyed the post and want notifications via email, hit that follow button and have a great night!

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